It’s been a week since the end of NaNoWriMo, and I did indeed chalk up another win!
Of course, winning in NaNo only requires meeting a word count goal, but as an exercise I always learn so much. About my story and especially about my process.
I’ve gotten to know my characters better and some unexpected ones introduced themselves, and I have a better idea of the themes I want to cover as well as some areas I’d like to research. And that is every bit a win.

The Sounding Glass
So now my process for the development of The Sounding Glass can really begin.
This NaNo novel is not a first draft. It is a preliminary draft. Now comes the part where I rip it up, pick out the good stuff, and organise a new outline. Then I will be ready to start the real first draft. And I’m pretty excited for it.
I think it’s going to be an interesting story, and perhaps my readers will learn a thing or two along the way. It’s a little less fantasy oriented than my usual style, but… there is a pirate curse.