AEther Pie is born on deviantArt - Archived Content

aftereffectI started using deviantART three years ago as ~only-a-phlizz. ‘Phlizz’ was a word made up by Lewis Carroll in his book Sylvie and Bruno and described something that was made out of air – unsubstantial and disappearing with time, though having all the appearance of something wonderful and exciting. This was how I viewed my art, as I was (and, truthfully, still am) just learning as I went along. Loving what I had created at first glance, then realising that it was really nothing after all. Still experimenting, I was trying to find my voice, my personal aesthetic.

I finally feel like I’m getting close to achieving that, and it felt time to begin under a new name. This is even reflected in the fact that I have finally discovered what that name should be, as I have been trying to come up with the right name ever since I first opened that account. The name Æther Pie finally occurred to me just a month or two ago and I knew it was to be my artistic identity from then on.

So here I am, hopefully coming to you with an artistic quality and aesthetic consistency that can live up to my own ambitions for myself. I am truly excited about the things I plan to create.

♥ Lindsay